1951 剧情简介:An Arab boy, Abdullah, loves his donkey, Bim, but another boy, Massoud, who also happens to be a prince, is jealous of Abdullah and his relationship with Bim, so Massoud steals the donkey and plays mean tricks on him, such as painting him and trying to cut his ears off. Abdullah tries to rescue Bim but is caught by palace guards and is imprisoned. Realizing Abdullah's love for ...
- 9.0 听风者之歌国语
2007 剧情简介:本片讲述的是19世纪一个罗密欧和朱丽叶式的爱情故事。故事以1857年9月11日发生的美洲历史上著名的高原惨案为背景,一批去往加利福尼亚的马车队路经犹他州南部,摩门教探知其中有1838年曾参与执行“清剿令”,强行将摩门教徒驱逐出密苏里州的Han's Mill惨案的凶手,随即作出复仇决定。他们暗中联合印第安人部落,对车队包围突袭,以上帝的名义击毙和处死120名男女,只有17名10岁以下儿童幸免。后来,参与指挥策划的摩门教首领John D.Lee被判死刑,20年后,摩门教领导人杨百翰的养子被判处死刑。因为电影所反应出来的观点,到今天这个事件一直饱受争议。 两个年轻人,一个是摩门教徒,是当地摩门主教的儿子,另一个是车马队牧师的小女儿,是从阿肯色州迁往加利福尼亚的移民,不管两个家族之间的仇恨多深,也不管世俗的看法多么顽固,两人还是萌生了美丽动人的爱情之苗,向对...
- 8.0 穿越时空之明月郡主
2018 剧情简介:A beautiful woman turns to prostitution. She must surrender her income to the leader of a human trafficking ring, but her daughter’s illness and a drug addiction prevents her from delivering her usual share. An unexpected event will give her the opportunity to stop obeying and take justice into her own hands.
- 9.0 青木瓜之味国语